I want to take an unbiased approach and look at what the Chinese Socialist Experiment has to teach us thus far after the 20th Peoples Congress.
Many disagree that they are Socialists. Some call them imperialists. Some say State Capitalist and others Say Capitalism is laying the road to Socialism or that it’s the vehicle to create the material conditions necessary to improve the lives of your citizens.
Regardless your thoughts on how they achieved it, we have to give credit where it’s due, they have brought almost 100 million people out of poverty. The fact that they have a concerted effort as a country to eliminate poverty is amazing in and of itself.
Just seeing what a Government can achieve when its Representatives have a clear goal and mind and everyone works to achieve it. Instead of American, Two Party, Politics that just become push and pull and we never really get anywhere.
I want YOUR opinion though. What is to be done? What is to be learned?
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A Look at the Chinese New Year and What we can learn from China
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I want to take an unbiased approach and look at what the Chinese Socialist Experiment has to teach us thus far after the 20th Peoples Congress.
Many disagree that they are Socialists. Some call them imperialists. Some say State Capitalist and others Say Capitalism is laying the road to Socialism or that it’s the vehicle to create the material conditions necessary to improve the lives of your citizens.
Regardless your thoughts on how they achieved it, we have to give credit where it’s due, they have brought almost 100 million people out of poverty. The fact that they have a concerted effort as a country to eliminate poverty is amazing in and of itself.
Just seeing what a Government can achieve when its Representatives have a clear goal and mind and everyone works to achieve it. Instead of American, Two Party, Politics that just become push and pull and we never really get anywhere.
I want YOUR opinion though. What is to be done? What is to be learned?