The Real Divide Isn’t Left vs. Right—It’s Rich vs. Poor
By Yusuf from the Heartland
Take a step back and look at the world we live in. The media, the politicians, and the corporations all want you to believe that the biggest fight of our time is between “left” and “right,” between “conservatives” and “liberals.” Every day, they serve us a new outrage—someone said something offensive, some group is demanding something unreasonable, someone else is to blame for your problems.
But ask yourself this: who actually benefits from all this division?
Because I’ll tell you who doesn’t benefit—you.
And I don’t care if you call yourself conservative, liberal, Christian, Muslim, white, Black, working-class, middle-class—if you’re not sitting at the top of the economic food chain, then you’re being played.
They Want You Fighting Over Everything Except Money
There’s a reason why real economic issues—issues that affect all of us—rarely make the headlines. Because if we started talking seriously about wages, healthcare, corporate greed, and the way the ultra-wealthy rob us blind while making record profits, we might actually realize that we have more in common than we think.
Instead, we get fed a steady diet of:
• Identity politics – Keep people focused on race, gender, and culture wars instead of corporate power.
• Racism and bigotry – Stir up fear and resentment so people blame each other instead of the billionaires hoarding wealth.
• Islamophobia – Keep people afraid of Muslims so they don’t notice how their own rights and freedoms are being stripped away.
• Partisan distractions – Convince people that their “team” (Republican or Democrat) is the only one with the answers, even though both sides serve the same rich donors.
The truth is, none of this is an accident. It’s all designed to keep you from thinking about class—the one thing that unites working people across race, religion, and political beliefs.
The Left and Right Both Play the Game
A lot of people think the left is supposed to be on the side of the working class, fighting against corporate greed. And once upon a time, that was true. But the modern left? The establishment Democrats? They’re just as owned by big business as the right.
Look at who funds their campaigns. Look at how they talk a big game about workers’ rights but never actually take on Wall Street or the pharmaceutical giants or the tech monopolies. They’ll happily push for symbolic victories—representation, diversity, inclusion—but they won’t touch the economic structures that keep millions of people in poverty.
And the right? The right sells itself as the party of “hard work” and “traditional values,” but what have they actually done for the average working American? They’ll talk endlessly about immigration or “woke culture” or whatever the latest hot-button issue is, but they’ll never go after the corporate elites who offshore jobs, suppress wages, and turn the economy into a rigged casino where only the wealthy win.
What Happens When We Talk About Class Instead?
Imagine if we stopped letting them divide us and instead focused on what really matters:
• Wages that actually let people support a family
• Affordable healthcare that doesn’t bankrupt you, the government and is on par or better than other western countries
• The right to organize and fight for better working conditions
• An economy that works for all of us, not just the top 1%
If working-class Americans—regardless of race or religion—came together on these issues, the elites would be terrified. Because at the end of the day, we outnumber them.
That’s why they’ll do anything to keep us distracted. Like Rome and the Coliseum.
That’s why they’ll keep us fighting over bathrooms and pronouns and flags and statues.
That’s why they’ll push fear—whether it’s fear of immigrants, fear of Muslims, fear of “socialists,” or fear of conservatives. Fear of anything but the rich. You see how they reacted to Luigi
Because if we ever stopped being afraid of each other and started looking up—at the people actually running this rigged system—the game would be over for them.
So Where Do We Go from Here?
We stop playing their game.
We stop letting them pit us against each other.
We stop getting distracted by every media-manufactured outrage and start asking: Who profits from my anger? Who benefits when I fight my neighbor instead of the billionaire who owns my workplace?
You might be a conservative who believes in personal responsibility and strong communities. You might be a liberal who believes in fairness and justice. You might be a Christian, a Muslim, or have no religion at all.
But if you work for a living—if you have to budget, worry about rent, stress about medical bills, or wonder why you’re working harder than ever and still barely getting by—then you and I are on the same side. We have more in common with other working class people of wildly different backgrounds, ethnicities, politics, religions and beliefs than you ever will with a wealthy person who has all those same qualities as you. You are closer to homelessness than you are the 1% .
Because the real divide isn’t left vs. right. It’s not race vs. race.
It’s us vs. them—the working people vs. the ultra-rich who run this system like a rigged casino.
And until we start seeing that, they’ll keep winning.
Please Subscribe because I’m working on a deeper dive on this topic and expanding on each section with more statistics and insight!