DSA Labor Corps - Union Solidarity Call 01-23-2023
Every month, National Labor Commission hosts a DSA Labor Corps Solidarity call to help support socialist labor organizers, showcase chapter activities and more!
January Labor Corps Solidarity Call
Start: Monday, January 23, 2023• 8:00 PM • Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)
A link to attend this virtual event will be emailed upon RSVP
Host Contact Info: dslc@dsacommittees.org
Every month, National Labor Commission hosts a DSA Labor Corps Solidarity call to help support socialist labor organizers, showcase chapter activities and more!
Register on this page so we can contact you and send you support materials. Note that an additional Zoom registration will be required for the event for security reasons if you don’t already have an account.
If you can make it, that would be great! The need for organizing right now with the opinion of Unions the highest they have been in 80 years. We need more people out there organizing Unions in their towns. Handing out pamphlets or talking with workers.
A good way to find good targets is look for friends and family to complain about their job online. Look into that job and see if lots of people are complaining and what about. Reach out to those employees.
I hope to see you there. Its the day before my surgery so that meeting will be the last time to hear me talk normal for a little while.
If your not a member yet, no problem! Head on over to the DSA Website and Join today! Membership fee is based on income. If your broke you can pay $2. Its not just Democratic Socialists and Social Democrats. There are Marxist-Leninist, Orthodox Marxists, Socialists, Communists, Anarchists and every variety of leftist you can Imagine.
They are represented by the Caucuses. My favorite is ‘Reform and Revolution’, a Marxist Caucus. There are some other, really amazing, Caucuses as well. Bread & Roses, Tempest Collective and The Marxist Unity Group, just to name a few.
If your thinking, its just a bunch of chronically online nerds, with no real world action, you would be really wrong. I just attended one of a few recent and upcoming debates hosted by the Caucuses I named above.
The most recent debate, “DSA Adrift? DSA is in crisis. What’s the way forward to a Mass Working-Class Party and for building a Marxist force in the US?”, was amazing and you can find a recording of the in-person and zoom meeting here. If you are lucky you might see my ugly self speak.
Before that there was another debate. It was titled “International Debate on the War in Ukraine – Should Socialists Support NATO governments sending weapons to the Zelensky regime?” and can be watched here.
On top of that DSA has the ‘Democratic Left’ magazine. They partner with Jacobin Magazine, I believe. Reform and Revolution has a Magazine and so does the Tempest Collective.
Either way I hope you found this helpful whether you attend or not. I hope you do. If you have questions about DSA Membership or Finding a Local Chapter near you, just hit me up on any of my Socials.
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[1]: https://dreagletalon.substack.com/publish/settings/preamble
[2]: https://actionnetwork.org/events/january-labor-corps-solidarity-call?source=direct_link&&link_id=1&can_id=5632087daadcb601b3bf06168ea34393&email_referrer=email_1791843&email_subject=dsa-labor-is-strike-ready-in-2023
[3]: https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fe7c907bf-462e-42e7-b42c-deb473fed503_600x600.png
[4]: https://labor.dsausa.org/
[5]: https://laborsolidarity.com/
[6]: https://dreagletalon.substack.com/publish/post/https://dreagletalon.substack.com/p/dsa-labor-call-230123?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&action=share
[7]: https://reformandrevolution.org/
[8]: https://breadandrosesdsa.org/
[9]: https://www.tempestmag.org/
[10]: https://www.marxistunity.com/
[11]: https://reformandrevolution.org/2023/01/15/audio-video-dsa-adrift-discussion-with-rr-br-mug-and-tempest-on-jan-14-2023/
[12]: https://reformandrevolution.org/2022/12/04/audio-video-international-debate-on-the-war-in-ukraine-should-socialists-support-nato-governments-sending-weapons-to-the-zelensky-regime/
[13]: https://reformandrevolution.org/subscribe/
[14]: https://dreagletalon.substack.com/
[15]: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dreagletalon
[16]: https://twitter.com/DrEagleTalon
[17]: https://discord.gg/Cg3J3tSCQV
[18]: https://mastodon.social/@DrEagleTalon
[19]: https://medium.com/@DrEagleTalon
[20]: https://unitedleftists.wordpress.com/
[21]: https://youtube.com/@DrEagleTalon
[22]: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/161042374
[23]: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/marx-the-spot/pl.u-11zBXLoiNzlmGyy
[24]: https://www.reddit.com/u/DrEagleTalon/
[25]: https://www.reddit.com/r/SocialismAndCommunism/
[26]: https://discord.gg/Cg3J3tSCQV
[27]: https://tiktok.com/@dreagletalon